Forest Management

Forest Management Services in Hudson, ME

Harvest Supervision

A primary management tool is the execution of a harvest. This tool is used, among other things, to improve existing stands, regenerate a stagnant forest, eliminate insect pests, remove poorly formed trees, and remove mature trees.
Ellis Professional Forestry supervises harvest activities to ensure good wood utilization and return on the landowner's investment in their woods.
There are many reasons to have a licensed professional forester represent the landowner's interests in the case of a harvest. Some of those reasons are:
  • To ensure that highly qualified people are carrying out a responsible harvest. Ellis' Forest Management uses only individuals possessing the Certified Logging Professional and Master Logger Certifications.
  • To comply with relevant federal and state laws regarding water quality and the Maine Forest Practices Act standards.
  • To make recommendations as to what type of harvest would best benefit the stands on the property.
  • To provide the best equipment mix for the particular job.


An inventory of the stands in a forest is done for many reasons. Basically the inventory gives the estimated volume and value of the trees in a woodlot. This might be needed for a management plan, timber sale, property sale, or to determine if the woodlot is mature with too many trees.
Ellis' Forest Management prepares inventories for any number of reasons. They can be as complex as multi page estimates by diameter class and species with statistics of accuracy to as simple as a one page summary.


Ellis' Forest Management uses up-to-date techniques in digitizing and the creation of digital maps. We use remote sensing, aerial photography, GPS, and other techniques to produce timber type overlays, boundary maps, and timber type maps for use in all types of forestry applications.

Management Plan

  • A requirement for something like Tree Growth or Tree Farm
  • To access funding like WoodsWISE
  • To have a forest inventory
  • For an average 100 acre woodlot it ranges from $250 to $1200
  • Based on stocking, accessibility, use, and value
  • Landowner objectives
  • Plan based on landowner objectives
  • Plan is a balance of landowner objectives, requirements of use, and legal requirements
  • Plan should be specific enough to dictate good silviculture and broad enough to allow the landowner latitude in implementation
  • Is a harvest recommended?
  • Is a forester involved?
  • Does the logger know the prescription?
  • Are there Master Logger and CLP trained loggers?
  • Timing around weather conditions

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